Wednesday 26th of March

10:00 Conference opening ceremony

- Opening words by the Scientific organising committee 

Antti Paananen and Pauliina Vastamäki - Sports Institute of Three Campuses

Sami Kalaja ja Timo Jaakkola - University of Jyväskylä

- Greetings from professor Keith Davids

10:15 Professor, Head of Football Innovation, Damian Farrow - Australian Football League, Australia

“What Walt Disney Can Teach Coaches About Skill Development”.

11:00 Professor Jia Yi Chow - Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

”Insights About Transforming Pedagogical Practices from an Ecological Dynamics Perspective”.

11:55 Opening ceremony of the Kisakallio “Taito 360” skillpark by Lappset

12:15 Lunch in Restaurant Sport

13:15 Parallel Practical Sessions (60 min.) Methodologies in practice

1. Professor Jia Yi Chow - Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

“An Exemplar of Professional Development for Practitioners in Nonlinear Pedagogy to Transform Pedagogical Practices”.

2. PhD Richard Shuttleworth - Singapore Sport Council

“Skill Acquisition in Coaching Development”  (co-sharing with PhD John Komar)

3. PhD Edward Coughlan and PhD Alan Dunton - MTU Cork, Bishopstown Campus, Ireland

“Applying Skill Acquisition in Sport”

4. PhD Timo Laakso - University of Jyväskylä

“Constraints Led Approach in Physical Education” (Hipat ja erilaiset pienpelit maalipelien kehittelyssä. CLA:n käytännön esimerkkejä) *

14:30 Coffee break in the conference hall by Reuter & Stolt

15:10 Premier Partner Pitch Talk CTN

15:15 Professor David Lubans - University of Newcastle, Australia

 “Physical Activity and Executive Functions in Youth: Exploring the Mediating Role of Motor Competence”.

16:00 Professor Charles Hillman - Northeastern University, United States

"The Acute Effects of a Single Bout of Exercise on Brain and Cognition".

16:45 Olympic medallist Tanja Poutiainen-Rinne - CEO Comeback Center Rovaniemi, Finland

”The Importance of Training in Different Environments and Conditions - Experiences from My Career”

17:30 Exhibition of the partners and possibility for networking

19:00 Dinner in Ravintola Sport

20:30 Social evening in the conference hall** (dresscode:smart casual)

Thursday 27th of March

9:00 Professr Geert Savelsbergh -Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands

 “Healthy Talent Development: The Importance of Structured Play”.

9:45 Professor Duarte Araüjo - University of Lisbon, Portugal

"The Ecological Dynamics of Cognizant Action in Sport”.

10:30 Premier Partner Pitch Talk Fysioline

10:45 Parallel Practical Session (60 min.) Methodologies in practice

1. PhD Alexandra Lascu - University of Canberra, Australia

“Designing Learning Environments for Multiple Phases of Learning”.

2. PhD Richard Shuttleworth  - Singapore Sports Council, Singapore 

“Skill Acquisition in Coaching Development”.   (co-sharing with PhD John Komar)

3. PhD. Edward Coughlan and PhD Alan Dunton - MTU Cork, Bishopstown Campus, Ireland

Applying Skill Acquisition in Sport”.

4. PhD Timo Laakso - University of Jyväskylä, Finland

“Constraints-Led Approach in Physical Education”, (Hipat ja erilaiset pienpelit maalipelien kehittelyssä. CLA:n käytännön esimerkkejä) *

12:00 Lunch in Restaurant Sport

13:10  Premier Partner Pitch Talk Lappset

13:15  Professor, Head of Football Innovation, Damian Farrow - Australian Football League, Australia

“Developing Decision Making Skills: Virtually and in Reality” .

14:00 PhD Martyn Rothwell - The Constraints Collective, United Kingdom

‘Elite Athletes Lived Experiences of a Game Model Based on Principles of Play”.

14:45 Coffee break in the conference hall by Myllyn Paras

15:10 DSE Tyler Yearby – Emergence, USA & Visiting Research Fellow, University of Gloucestershire, United Kingdom

 ”Representative co-design: Involving athletes in their learning journey”

15:50 PhD Matti Vartiainen – University of Helsinki, Finland

 "Concussion and baseline testing - the use of collected performance data in detecting and improving athletes performance".

16:30 Poster presentations and exhibition of the partners

18:00 Possibility for physical activities

20:00 Conference Gala Dinner in the conference hall** (Dress code: Smart Casual)

Friday 28th of March

“Designing optimal learning environments”

8:45 Oral presentations of the study abstracts

Oral presentations

     1. Motor development and motor learning

     2. Environments for Motor learning

     3. Ecological dynamics

     4. Motor learnig and skill acquistion

10:30 Parallel Practical Sessions (60 min.) Methodologies in practice

1. PhD Alexandra Lascu - University of Canberra, Australia

"Designing Learning Environments for Multiple Phases of Learning”

2. DSE Tyler Yearby – Emergence, USA & Visiting Research Fellow, University of Gloucestershire, United Kingdom

”Reconceptualizing the Warm-up”.

3. Jaakko Junttila and Viljam Mikkelsson -Parkour Acadamy, Finland 

"Dexterity through parkour-inspired challenges and games".

4. Marco Perazzo - New Jersey Martial Arts, United States

Adopting non-linear coaching methods in Brazilian jiu-jutsu

11:30 Lunch in Restaurant Sport

12:30 PhD Luca Oppici -Norwegian School of Sport Sciences, Norway

"Enriching the Physical Environment to Enhance Motor Skill Learning: A Framework for Practitioners".

13:15 PhD Martina Navarro - University of Portsmouth, United Kingdom

"A Movement-focused Approach to Design Spaces for Physical Activity: An Evaluation of a Rich Landscape of Affordances called The Skills Garden"

14:00 Professor Ingunn Fjørtoft - University of South-Eastern Norway, Norway

"The “Great Outdoors” – The Materiality and Contexts for Learning Motor Skills in the Outdoor Environments".

14:45 Professor, Head of Football Innovation Damian Farrow - Australian Football League, Australia 

 “Closing Words”



*Practical demonstration will be held in Finnish

**Evening program only for all inclusive participants and those with separate evening program tickets.


Kisakallio reserves rights to make changes to the program






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