The Scientific Organizing Committee of the 5th Scientific Motor Skills Acquisition Conference invites scholars, practitioners, and students around the world to submit abstracts that explore the conference's core areas of (1) Motor development (2) Environments for learning motor skills) (3) Ecological dynamics. (4) Motor learning and skill acquisition (5) other.

We welcome abstracts on research as well as best practices concerned with these main areas and themes, but we also encourage contributions from a wide range of topics related to skill acquisition. Early career researchers are invited to submit abstracts as well. 

Start of submissions: 27th of August 2024

Deadline for submissions: 31st of October 2024

Start of registrations for the event: August 2024



Abstracts must be written in English within the scope of the themes. Abstracts are submitted via online platform. You need to provide the following details: 

• Title 

• Contributor names and affiliations 

• Preference for a poster or oral presentation type 

• A 250-word abstract 

• A maximum of 3 themes that might best suit the submitted paper 

If you submit a scientific abstract, please follow this structure: 

• Background and relevance of the study 

• Purpose

 • A brief description of the methods used 

• A summary of the results obtained 

• A discussion / conclusion 

• Potential practical implications

In case you submit a best practice abstract, please structure your text as shown below: 

Best practice papers highlight and present good practices, new solutions and answers to various themes or questions. 

• The context and relevance of the case or project 

• Purpose and target group of the case 

• A brief description of the case 

• Discussion and learning points 

Please note!

The Scientific Committee reserves the right to make the final decision on the presentation type (oral at a parallel session/ e-poster) and aligned theme. There will be no opportunity to present remotely/virtually at parallel and poster sessions. The receipt of your abstract submission will be confirmed by e-mail. Should you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us. 

Questions and more information, please contact

Aki-Matti Alanen



For more information, please contact